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01 juin 2022

Leadership au Féminin

Cette deuxième partie donne la parole à trois femmes qui encouragent surtout les plus jeunes d’entre elles à démontrer plus d’audace afin de se réaliser : combiner leurs carrières professionnelles et aspirations familiales avec un certain équilibre, y compris dans leurs rôles de mères, aux côtés des pères de leurs enfants.

Audrey Rigonnaud nous explique que si le leadership féminin est différent de ceux des hommes, il gagne à être reconnu. Il apporte aux organisations, avec sa différence, une force du collectif qui permet de dépasser les crises, une compréhension mutuelle qui permet une économie d’énergie incroyable, la recherche de consensus qui évite les désengagements à long terme et la communication, source d’innovations et de motivation. Il permet ainsi de lutter contre la déshumanisation et le désengagement au travail.

Jennifer Labatut-Darbas renchérit et propose surtout aux femmes d’éviter le syndrome de l’imposture, de prendre le pouvoir afin de voir beaucoup plus de femmes dans des postes à haute responsabilité.

Béatrice Korsakissok quant à elle, co-créatrice d’entreprise avec son conjoint, rappelle que les femmes avec leur style de leadership sont complémentaires aux hommes et qu’une bonne mixité amène plus d’échanges, d’agilité intellectuelle, de performance par co-construction et moins de conflits ouverts. Elle suggère aux femmes de s’investir dans le mentorat et les réseaux des entrepreneures et dirigeantes afin d’être présentes à tous types de postes et « habiter la vision ».


Before joining Toulouse Business School in 1995, her professional career was in finance, accounting and management control with Siemens.
For TBS she has developped various Aerospace Management and other more general International Programmes. (Aerospace MBA (1999- ), TBS-IIMB Aerospace MBA (2015- ), Aerospace Management PGE Option (2002- ) for the last year of Master in Management studies, International Seminars TBS with Partner Universities around the world (1995- ), Toulouse Barcelona Summers School, Toulouse - Ljubljana "East meets West" Summer School....). She is managing and co-chairing the Advanced Master in Air Transport Management in partnership with ENAC for TBS since 2011.
In 2014-2015 she developped and launched the first international Aerospace MBA programme for Aerospace Executives in INDIA with IIMB - Indian Insitutue of Management, Bangalore.

Her main research interests are in cross-cultural, international, and European management, multicultural teams and workgroup diversity, culture change and the sharing of knowledge in international organisations. With these topics she conceives corporate executive development programmes and works on various consulting, coaching and training assignments with multinational corporations, particularly in the high-tech industry and the aerospace sector (Airbus, Liebherr Aerospace, Thales-Alcatel Alenia Space, British Aerospace, ICL Europe, Paribas, Rolls Royce, Siemens and others..). Cordula also works on a EU Horizon 2020 research project on mobility of qualified employees (2018-2022 -
Cordula has been involved in several other research projects with an international focus; one that looks at the perception of social justice across cultures. In another research she collaborates since several years with a global research team on the study of the impact of language on international business. She was also leader of a European research group on Work, Employment, and Health (TES ? Travail, Emploi, Sant?) at Toulouse Business School (2013-2017) and is conducting research on cross-cultural management, diversity and international human resource management with a European perspective. Cordula is also a country investigator for France and some "under-researched" countries for the GLOBE 2020 project, looking into leadership and organizational behaviour (
As a visiting professor Cordula lectures to MBA and Executive classes on International, European Management & Global Leadership in many partner universities around the globe. With her work and research experience in several countries of Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia she also has published in several languages, particularly in the field of multicultural management. Among other assignments, she was for 10 years visiting Professor at Arizona State University, USA (1995-2005).
She is happily married and working mother of two children.
In 2017 she obtained together with a European Network of academic Beneficiaries and Airbus Group a European Research grant (Horizon 2020, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - the European Union's reference programme for doctoral education and postdoctoral training) of 3,9 mio ?.
GLOMO - Global Mobility of Employees 15 early stage docotoral researchers explore and research about global mobility of skilled people in today's workplace.
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