
From December 03 to 31, Handi'Engagée end-of-year fundraiser
For the first time, the TBS EDUCATION Foundation has joined forces with a local association, OZ'MOOV, to support a common cause: the inclusion of people with disabilities by facilitating their access to education and sport.
One donation, one cause, 2 actions supported!
From December 03 to 31, all donations received will be shared between two actions to promote inclusion:

There are 150,000 amputees in France, with a difficult return to reality and life...
Solutions for access to sport are rare and costly, but solutions do exist for handisport.
50% of your donation will be used to finance a complete kit of trial prostheses for neo lower-limb amputees, made available in rehabilitation centers.
Cost: €10,000
The aim?
Democratize access to sport for amputees and support them in coming to terms with their disability.
Out of 6,000 students at TBS Education, 110 declared a disability in 2024, compared with 18 in 2020.
This concerns invisible disabilities as well as more serious situations requiring tailor-made support.
50% of your donation will be used to finance a Handi'Education TBS support kit including material assistance (adapted software and furniture, specific transport) and human assistance (peer helper and secretary/editor).
Cost €10,000
The aim?
Facilitate the reception, integration and career path of students with disabilities in all its dimensions.
I would like to make a donation
Together, we can improve access to education and sport for all.

From December 03 to 31, take part in the Handi'Engagée end-of-year fund-raising campaign.
By donating, you benefit from advantageous tax deductions:
- an income tax reduction of 66% of the amount of your donation
Example: a donation of €25 will cost you only €8.5 after tax deduction. - a reduction in Impôt sur la Fortune Immobilière (I.F.I) of 75% of the amount of your donation
- a corporate income tax reduction of 60% of your donation
Example: a donation of €1,000 costs the company €400 after tax deduction.
Residents abroad, you can also make a tax-deductible donation online via our dedicated platforms:
- From Europe (member countries of Transnational Giving Europe)
- From the United States (via our partner "Friends of Fondation de France")
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