Mutual Support

Welcome !

Our MUTUAL SUPPORT SERVICES are at the heart of our vision to accompany our Alumni

Support is invaluable and when it is provided by those who know who you are, it is even more so. Our Mutual Support services provide you with the chance to take advantage of help on offer.

Want to make a life change? Solutions are available for you: Coaching by TBS Alumni
There is more: employment, internships and work-study placements are offered by our alumni

Looking for a quality support? Our Alumni offer to help you accomplish your projects. In the Mutual Support section, you will find talented professional Alumni in various fields, in particular: Communication, Digital, Entrepreneurship, Finances, Real Estate and Human Resources


Employment Opportunities

By   Our Alumni and associated companies

For  All Alumni in search of employment / traineeships / work study placements

Volunteer Experts

By  All Alumni, in all areas of expertise 

For  All Alumni, students and graduates alike



By  Certified Alumni Coaches

For  All graduate Alumni looking for employability support

Professional Support

By  Professionals, amongst our Alumni, on a variety of subjects

For  All Alumni, students and graduates alike

This section is dedicated to providing professional and personal development services and employment opportunities by Alumni for Alumni. There are voluntary offers as well as exclusive, preferential rates for our members. In order to qualify for these mutual support opportunities, you need to be a fully paid-up member and log in.
Please note that while they are based in France, some Alumni are willing to accompany you in English and/or at a distance. This information is specified in the list.
As a reminder, our Alumni professionals propose their support services either with preferential and exclusive rates or free of charge for members of TBS Alumni. The distinction is specified under each professional. 

All our Coachs and Professionals
We are always looking for Alumni professionals who wish to provide support services: if you would like to join our Alumni whose motivation is to share their knowledge and know-how with other TBS Alumni