Why become a fully paid-up member of TBS Alumni for life?



With 62 chapters, 18 tribes and very soon, 6 clubs, TBS Alumni can be contacted on every continent. Are you thinking about moving or travelling abroad ? Or do you travel for business : to trade shows, for sales meetings, to set up a subsidiary or because you have been transferred ? What about personal travel ? As a fully paid-up lifetime member, you have access to a network of contacts all over the world


REVIVE YOUR FRIENDSHIPS through the association
Get back in touch with your mates from your year, get together and share your memories about the good times you had, and make happy, new memories... TBS Alumni provides numerous occasions for members to get together at events of all types. In 2020, there were over 2000 interactions between Alumni.
Next time, why not be there too!    


Our job is to increase your visibility. Our members are put in the spotlight through news announcements, articles and publications. We talk about you, your success stories and we share your life experiences. 
As a fully paid-up member for life, you can contact anyone directly if they inspire you.  





Our services AT YOUR SERVICE 
The association is organized by Alumni for Alumni. It is dedicated to the personal development of every member. The membership fee opens doors to employment opportunities. You have access to advice and professional or personal development programs by Alumni coaches and experts in a great range of subjects.
All these people who have the goodwill to offer support are fully paid-up members themselves because they believe in and share our values of mutual support. 


The TBS Alumni Directory : 40 000 CONTACTS at your fingertips
When you pay for a service or product, you can trust it has the quality and attributes you are looking for. On the otherhand, many "free" offers are in reality not up to the mark or what you hoped for. The TBS Alumni directory contains ove 40000 profiles that are carefully updated every year by the staff at TBS Alumni.
The membership fee contributes to the quality of information and the consistent improvement of the tools at your disposal. 



Your one-time membership IS FOR LIFE 
Whatever your situation today, we are with you for life. The day you become a member, you become a lifetime member.
Your one-time payment gives you access to all the advantages for life. 
You can start enjoying the perks today, and spread your payment over time. 


The TBS Alumni Directory is INDEPENDENT and PROTECTED
Your personal data is handled by humans and not algorithms, with the utmost care and respect, in line with the values of our School. When you pay your one-time membership fee for life, you ensure the continuity of the TBS Alumni network which belongs to you and will never belong to a third party who would have the possibility of using it for purposes other than those carried by the values of the school. And you decide what information you put in it. 





The quality of a business school, its degrees and Master’s programs, in particular, is measured by the quality of its Alumni network. An active and supportive network is a true asset to ensuring career advancement, having access to information about new sectors of activity and identifying opportunities abroad. […] For the last three years, we have observed the growth in momentum of TBS Alumni in France and abroad, together with greater coherency between its actions and those of the School and the Foundation. Today, the network still needs you in order to provide you with even more services and to strengthen the value of your degree.

Philippe Gmerek
Year 2012
Communications Manager – Airbus

Since I graduated in 2007, I have remained close to TBS and TBS Alumni because the ties are a true virtuous circle that become a bond and are nurtured by the act of contributing: I increase my network, hence my professional opportunities, I meet Alumni and students who enrich my life through their values and their own life paths, I participate in events (I organize events in the Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne region and in Switzerland) to reinforce support and the network's expertise, I have access to preferential services such as coaching and job offers […]. Contributing through membership fees is a way of giving the means to the network to expand and therefore become stronger from within!

Antoine Miche
Year 2007
Chief Financial Officer - La Banque Postale

The association is gaining in impetus and vivacity within both the national and international networks and that is very good news. This is the result of the dedication of its President, together with the past, present and planned efforts by the permanent staff, especially Cathy, whose faith and optimism have triumphed over less optiministic times. It is also thanks to the membership fees, without which the association would not have credibility in the eyes of the School and other financial stakeholders. Life membership fees ? It's a great idea that has been around for a while but is finally up and running and I think that's great.

Geneviève Cazes-Valette
Year 1977
Marketing Professor – TBS


The lifetime membership fee to TBS ALUMNI is :


One payment only for life membership at 350€. The rate for couples is 525€ (both graduates of TBS). Different payment options include cheque, bank transfer, credit card or stripe online to pay in installments (4 or 12 times over one year). All graduates from all degree courses at TBS can become life members.

With so many reasons to join, become part of our great community today! 

TBS Graduates before and up to year 2017 are invited to pay a life membership fee to enjoy all our services. All other members are invited to show their spirit of solidarity by becoming a donor Member of TBS Foundation.