
A look back at the TBS Alumni General Meeting
Wednesday November 20 marked the annual TBS Alumni party! On the program: our Annual General Meeting, a round-table discussion on HR transformations, the launch of Cahiers de la Tribu #4 and a convivial cocktail party at the Social Hub. Here's a look back at this 100% Alumni evening!
TBS Alumni 2024 General Meeting
Over 80 alumni attended our annual event!
The TBS Alumni team presented its achievements for 2023/2024 and its moral and financial reports.

The AGM closed with the announcement of the results of the elections for the Board of Directors.
This year 5 places were available and 7 Alumni volunteers applied.
We are delighted to announce the arrival ofEmma WASSENHOVE (PGE 2028) on the Board of Directors, as well as the reappointments of Emmanuel ANTON (PGE 2011), Paul FABRE (GEMBA 2016), Pierre SOULOUMIAC (PGE 1988) and Youcef BENZAID (GEMBA 2011).

A big thank you to all incoming and outgoing volunteers for their commitment!
See photos of the evening

The Annual General Meeting was followed by a conference entitled "Transformations RH : la nouvelle donne du marché de l'emploi" and a cocktail reception at the Social Hub.
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