Notebook / Appointments

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29 April 2024
Mathieu LE TREUT (PGE, 1993)

Appointments - General Manager, La Passion des Terroirs

Mathieu Le Treut has been appointed Managing Director of La Passion des Terroirs, a position he has held since March 2024. Mathieu Le Treut, 54, graduated from the Leading in a territory competitive environment program at INSEAD (2007) and holds a postgraduate diploma in accounting, auditing and finance from TBS Education (1993):

* 2024: La Passion des Terroirs, Managing Director

* 2021 - 2024: ZALM, Managing Director

* 2017 - 2023: CIS Valley, Managing Director

* 2009: CIS Valley, Sales Director, 2017

* 2008: IBM EMEA, in charge of developing IBM's Infrastructure offering in Southern Europe

* 2004 : IBM France, Sales Director Aquitaine and Midi Pyrénées

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