Notebook / Appointments

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15 February 2024
Pierre-Etienne PETOIN (PGE, 2007)

Appointments - Executive Director of Breizh Invest PME

Pierre-Etienne Petoin is promoted to Executive Director of Breizh Invest PME, in this position since February 2024, replacing Mathieu Bourdais.
Pierre-Etienne Petoin has been appointed Investment Officer of Breizh Invest PME, in this position since April 2019. Pierre-Etienne Petoin, master of science in management, banking and corporate finance - TBS Education (2007), has completed the following career path:

* 2024: Breizh Invest PME, Executive Director

* 2019 - 2024: Breizh Invest PME, Investment Officer

* 2017 - 2019: Banque Populaire Grand Ouest, Middle Office Structured Finance Account Manager

* 2014 : Banque Populaire Grand Ouest, Chargé d'Affaires Corporate , 2017

* 2010 : Banque Populaire Grand Ouest, Corporate Credit Analyst, 2014

* 2007 - 2010 : PwC, Financial Auditor


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