Notebook / Appointments

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22 February 2020
Emilie MOLINO (PGE, 2008)

Appointments - Emilie Molino has been promoted to marketing & communication director at Kisio, in this position since January 2020. He reports directly to Nicolas Furgé, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. He will be responsible for continuing Kisio's development.

Emilie Molino has been promoted to marketing & communication director at Kisio, in this position since January 2020. He reports directly to Nicolas Furgé, President and Chief Executive Officer. He is responsible for continuing Kisio's market development, stabilizing the brand platform and industrializing marketing and communication actions.
Emilie Molino, 35, Master of International Business - ESEC Barcelona (2008), Master of International Business - Toulouse Business School, has completed the following career path:
* 2017-2020: Kisio, Chief Marketing Officer, Services division.
* 2008-2017: Wavestone, manager in the Energy/Transport department.

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