Notebook / Appointments

Viewed 143 times
23 December 2024
Jean-Philippe JARNO

Appointments - Jean-Philippe Jarno has been appointed Director of Hauts de France and Normandy for Groupe Edouard Denis, a position he has held since September 2024.

Jean-Philippe Jarno has been appointed Director of Hauts de France and Normandy for Groupe Edouard Denis, a position he has held since September 2024.
Jean-Philippe Jarno has been appointed Director of Hauts de France and Normandy for Groupe Edouard Denis, a position he has held since September 2024. Jean-Philippe Jarno, HEC (2022), Sciences Po Toulouse (2017), TBS Education (2012), EM Lyon Business School (2005), CNAM (1999), MBA - KEDGE Business School (1993), Ingénieur - INSA Lyon (1992), has completed the following career path:

* 2024: Edouard Denis Group, Director for Hauts de France and Normandy

* 2015 - 2020 : Urbis Réalisations, Managing Director

* 1995-1997: Bouygues Construction, Business Engineer

* 1997 : Bouygues Immobilier, Program Director

* 2001 : Bouygues Immobilier, Branch Manager, 2002

* 2002 : Bouygues Bâtiment International, Business development manager, 2003

* 2003 : Bouygues Immobilier, Branch Manager, 2007

* 2008 - 2015 : Bouygues Immobilier, Regional Director

* 2020 : Société Lyonnaise pour La Construction, Managing Director

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